Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections with MasteringBiology® (7th Edition) + Study Guide

Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections with MasteringBiology® 
(7th Edition)[Hardcover]
Jane B. Reece (Author), Martha R. Taylor (Author), Eric J. Simon (Author), Jean L. Dickey (Author)

Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections with MasteringBiology® (7th Edition)
Price: $137.89 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections with MasteringBiology® [Hardcover]
Jane B. Reece (Author), Martha R. Taylor (Author), Eric J. Simon (Author), Jean L. Dickey (Author)
Publisher: Benjamin Cummings; 7th edition (February 19, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0321696484 | ISBN-13: 978-0321696489
Cutting edge information that connects biology to your life. Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, Seventh Edition–Go Wild!

Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections with MasteringBiology®, Seventh Edition–always accurate, always current, and always the most pedagogically innovative non-majors biology text. This bestselling text has undergone an extensive revision to make biology even more approachable with increased use of analogies, real world examples, and more conversational language. Using over 200 new MasteringBiology activities that were written by the dynamic author team, you will arrive for class prepared. The book and MasteringBiology together create the classroom experience that you imagined in your wildest dreams. Over 25% off new, and under $100 used!


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Kindle Edition$66.79 
Hardcover, February 19, 2011$137.89 

ISBN-10: 0321742583, ISBN-13: 978-0321742582
Study Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections

Plus, students can master key concepts and earn a better grade with the thought-provoking exercises found in this study guide. A wide range of questions and activities helps students test their understanding of biology.

Quick Access: Reference for Writers

Quick Access: Reference for Writers (6th Edition) [Spiral-Bound]
Lynn Quitman Troyka (Author), Douglas Hesse (Author)

Quick Access: Reference for Writers (6th Edition)

Quick Access: Reference for Writers offers easy, efficient access to the information you need about the writing process, from mastering grammar to using correct punctuation, from writing research papers to documenting sources, and from writing for the Web to writing using visuals. It will give you balanced coverage of all aspects of writing and well as easy to use research and documentation sections that provide strategies to help you in your courses.

Quick Access: Reference for Writers
Lynn Quitman Troyka (Author), Douglas Hesse (Author)
Spiral-bound: 552 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6th edition (February 21, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0205664814
ISBN-13: 978-0205664818

AAbout the Authors:

Lynn Quitman Troyka, Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Program in Language and Literature at the City College (CCNY) of the City University of New York (CUNY), has also taught at Queensborough Community College. Former editor of the Journal of Basic Writing, she has had her writing and research published in major journals and various scholarly collections. She also conducts workshops in the teaching of writing. Journal of Basic Writing, she has had her writing and research published in major journals and various scholarly collections. She also conducts workshops in the teaching of writing.  Dr. Troyka is a past chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC); the Two-Year College Association (TYCA) of the National Council of Teachers (NCTE); the College Section of NCTE; and the Writing Division of the Modern Language Association (MLA). She received the 2001 CCCC Exemplar Award, the highest CCCC award for scholarship, teaching, and service; the Rhetorician of the Year Award; and the TYCA Pickett Award for Service.


Doug Hesse, Professor of English and Director of Writing at the University of Denver, previously held several positions at Illinois State University, including Director of the Honors and Writing Programs, and Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching. Dr. Hesse earned his PhD from the University of Iowa. He has also taught at the University of Findlay, Miami University (as Wiepking Distinguished Visiting Professor), and Michigan Tech.  Dr. Hesse is a past chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), the nation’s largest professional association of college writing instructors. A past president, as well, of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA), Dr. Hesse edited that organization’s journal, Writing Program Administration. He has been a member of the executive committee of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and chaired the Modern Language Association (MLA) Division on Teaching as a Profession.  He is the author of over fifty articles and book chapters, in such journals as College Composition and Communication, College English, JAC, Rhetoric Review, and the Journal of Teaching Writing and in such books as Essays on the Essay; Writing Theory and Critical Theory; The Writing Program Administrator’s Sourcebook; Literary Nonfiction; The Private, the Public, and the Published; and Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies. The writing program he directs at the University of Denver is only one of twenty five internationally to receive the CCCC Certificate of Excellence.

Models for Writers: Short Essays for Composition

Models for Writers: Short Essays for Composition

Models for Writers: Short Essays for Composition [Paperback]
Alfred Rosa (Author), Paul Eschholz (Author)
ISBN-10: 0312531133 | ISBN-13: 978-0312531133 | Publication Date: March 5, 2009 | Edition: Tenth Edition
It’s a simple, best-selling combination that has worked for over 20 years — short, accessible essays and helpful, thorough writing instruction. Models for Writers continues to offer thought-provoking selections organized to demonstrate not only the rhetorical patterns that students will use in their own essays but also the elements and language that will make those essays effective.

About the Authors
ALFRED ROSA and PAUL ESCHHOLZ are professors emeriti of English at the University of Vermont. They have directed statewide writing programs and conducted numerous workshops throughout the country on writing and the teaching of writing. Rosa and Eschholz have collaborated on a number of best-selling texts for Bedford/St. Martin's, including Subjects/Strategies, Eleventh Edition (2008); Outlooks and Insights: A Reader for College Writers, Fourth Edition (1995); with Virginia Clark, Language Awareness, Tenth Edition (2008); and, with Virginia Clark and Beth Simon, Language: Readings in Language and Culture, Seventh Edition (2007).

Calculus: Single and Multivariable (Deborah Hughes-Hallet)

Calculus: Single and Multivariable

Calculus: Single and Multivariable. ISBN-10: 0470089148 | ISBN-13: 978-0470089149

Calculus teachers recognize Calculus as the leading resource among the "reform" projects that employ the rule of four and streamline the curriculum in order to deepen conceptual understanding. The fifth edition uses all strands of the "Rule of Four" - graphical, numeric, symbolic/algebraic, and verbal/applied presentations - to make concepts easier to understand. The book focuses on exploring fundamental ideas rather than comprehensive coverage of multiple similar cases that are not fundamentally unique. Calculus teachers will build on their understanding in the field and discover new ways to present concepts to their students.

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